Next Reunion – 1 March 2025

Our next reunion will be held on Saturday, 1 March from 12 noon at Morwell RSL and afterwards at Woorabinda Camp (overnight accommodation is available)

Tickets must be pre-purchased for this lunch prior to Friday, 14 February.  Refer to your latest newsletter for full details OR to become a member, click here.

Everyone with a connection to Yallourn is welcome. For any further enquiries, please email Julie

Memorabilia on sale, some at Reunion Special prices

– Here is ATTENDANCE LIST for people who have paid to date – this will be updated each Friday until the reunion.

– To help you remember old classmates, click here for a list of YHS Girls, sorted by first year at YHS; or here for a list of YHS Boys and YTS Boys, also sorted by first year at YHS/YTS.

Also – a big call out to those who started Yallourn High and Yallourn Tech Schools in 1945, 1955, 1965 and 1975 as this will be your 80th, 70th, 60th and 50th respectively ANNIVERSARIES since starting your secondary education at Yallourn. Bring as many with you as you can round up.

Last Reunion – 2 March 2024

Our last reunion was held on Saturday, 2 March 2024 at Morwell RSL and then Woorabinda – for photos from this reunion (and others), you would normally visit Virtual Yallourn

However, while this website is being upgraded, these photos can be seen below: